Awesome news for Earth Day from The Florida Aquarium! A new way to Save Coral.
Terrific news announced today by The Florida Aquarium via Twitter (@floridaaquarium). New hope for our precious coral reefs under siege by pollution and disease.
"The Florida Aquarium has made history once again! This time becoming the first in the world to reproduce ridged cactus coral in human care. Until now, the larval release time of this coral had never been recorded. These corals release fully developed larvae that swims immediately after release. This coral population has been severely affected in Florida Reefs due to Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease. #FloridaAquarium The Florida Aquarium is using this breakthrough research to grow and reproduce this coral to eventually restore the Florida Reef Tract!
Join us in our mission to protect coral reefs with a donation today at 🐟 #ConservationNeverCloses These adult corals were rescued as part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Florida Reef Tract Rescue Project.
Thanks to our partners: The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, The NOAA Fisheries Service and The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Research activities occurred within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and under permit."